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ORCID: Beginners Session

Thursday, February 13, 2025, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Online, Graduate students, Post-docs and research staff, Undergraduate students, Scholarly communication,

Registration is required.

ORCID, or the Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is an important tool for today's scholars to increase the impact of their scholarly activities, and share those activities with the world.

In this session, you will learn:

  • More on what ORCID is
  • ORCID's role in scholarly communication
  • The benefits of having an ORCID profile

During this hour, you will also create your own account, populate it with your biographical information, and manually enter some of your scholarly/professional activities. You will briefly be introduced to some other ORCID features, such as Trusted Parties.

This session is most suitable for individuals who do not already have an ORCID profile, or who do have one but have never used it. This might especially include undergraduate and graduate students. No prior knowledge of ORCID is required, but those with prior knowledge are also welcome to attend! For more information about this session, please email

There will be a question and answer period in this workshop. If you would like to ask questions in advance to ensure they are covered, please fill out this Microsoft Form.

While by no means required, you may be interested in viewing the Leddy Library's ORCID Help Guide.

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Amelia Ritchie